Meaning Additional Living Expense
What does Additional Living Expense mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Additional Living Expense. You can also add a definition of Additional Living Expense yourself


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Additional Living Expense

The purpose of this coverage is to pay for increased expense of living while the insured’s residence is being rebuilt or repaired after damage from an insured peril. Examples are the extra cost of hou [..]


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Additional Living Expense

Reimbursement to the policyholder for living costs when he or she is forced to maintain a residence elsewhere because of a loss of property. Expenses are in excess of normal day-to-day living expenses, and may include motel or hotel lodging, food, laundry, etc.
Source: (offline)


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Additional Living Expense

If you are temporarily unable to live in your home because of a covered loss, this is any reasonable and necessary increase in living expenses you incur so your household can maintain its normal standard of living.
Source: (offline)

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